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Pujya Sri K C Narayana
Aug 28, 20247 min read
Pitfalls in the Path
My dear associates in the path, 1. On this auspicious occasion of the birthday of our dear Master Sri Ramchandraji Maharaj of...
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Pujya Sri K C Narayana
Aug 26, 20247 min read
Sadhana or Spiritual Direction
My dear associates in the Path, 1) The other day we were talking about the blissful condition of universal love. Of the many needs we...
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Pujya Sri K C Narayana
Aug 25, 20247 min read
Bhakti in Sriramchandra's Rajayoga
We have all assembled here again to share our feelings. The quarterly Journal we release carries the dictum mach-chitta mad-gata-prana...
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Pujya Sri K C Narayana
Aug 21, 20245 min read
Need for the Trainer
Dear associates in the path, 1. When we assemble to celebrate the birthday of our Master, it is obvious that Master is the centre of our...
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Pujya Sri K C Narayana
Aug 17, 20248 min read
Exploring Consciousness
My dear associates in the path, 1. We have been participating in the birthday celebrations of our beloved Master, Sri Ramchandraji...
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Pujya Sri K C Narayana
Aug 17, 20246 min read
Living in Nothingness
Dear associates in the path, 1. At the outset I offer my salutations to all the members of the fraternity. Our Master has stated that he...
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Pujya Sri K C Narayana
Aug 14, 20243 min read
My dear associates in the path, 1. I am very happy that we are all gathered again on the occasion of the 114th birthday of our Master not...
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Pujya Sri K C Narayana
Aug 10, 20244 min read
Dear brothers and sisters on the path, 1. My salutations to all of you who have enriched the quality of the meditation during this...
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Pujya Sri K C Narayana
Aug 7, 20248 min read
New Era
Dear co travellers on the Path, My sincere pranams to the holy assembly and to each individual in the assembly. 1. I am mightily happy to...
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Pujya Sri K C Narayana
Jul 31, 20248 min read
Spiritual Awakening
Dear associates in the path, 1. We are all happily aware these days of Basanth are the ones when the divine grace flows torrentially from...
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Pujya Sri K C Narayana
Jul 27, 20246 min read
Dear associates in the path, I am very happy that we are all united again to celebrate the 141st birthday of 'our grand Master Pujya...
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Pujya Sri K C Narayana
Jul 26, 20245 min read
Love Universal
My dear co-travellers in the Natural path, 1. Pranam. It is our privilege to meet on this most auspicious day of Basanth Panchami in the...
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